Incoming 6th Grade Parent Information Session
Dear Future Rose Hill Middle School Families,
Registration and course selection for 5th grade students who will be joining Rose Hill Middle School next year will be taking place January 13th through January 24th. Rose Hill counselors will be visiting 5th grade classrooms at each of our feeder schools during the week of January 13th. We will then be hosting the Incoming 6th Grade Parent Information Night at the school from 6:30-7:30 pm on Tuesday, January 21st.
The program will begin in the RHMS Commons where you will hear from RHMS administrators, counselors, and staff. Our goals for the evening are to:
- Introduce you to Rose Hill Middle School, our philosophy, our programs, and exciting opportunities for students.
- Help you understand the 6th grade registration process, options, and timeline
- Explore the transition to middle school, what to expect (and be excited about), and the different ways we support students in this transition
- Provide an opportunity to have student-led tours of the school for those who are interested
This event is for parents/guardians only.
The course selection forms that students will be receiving when the counselors visit their building will be collected by their 5th grade teachers by January 24th.
Our staff is looking forward to meeting you, sharing our school with you, and welcoming you to our community.
Kind Regards,
Joe Gorder, Principal
All 5th grade students currently attending an elementary school within the Lake Washington School District do not need to register for middle school, they are automatically rolled up to the neighborhood school that serves the area they live in. All that is required is that your student submits a Course Selection Form (also known as "Electives Form") to their teacher (see presentation above). Your student will receive this form when our Counselors visit their classroom in January.
For information about new student enrollment, please visit our Registration page.