Social Studies Support

The following links are excellent Internet sources to help with various Social Studies projects.

Helpful Social Studies Links

  • Class Zone
    Class Zone provides links to students' textbooks and a variety of study aids, practice quizzes, audio files, and more! Password access is provided by social studies teachers.
  • WOIS: Washington's Online Career Information Database
    This website provides an outstanding database of information on careers. It also allows students to create their own career research database. Password access is provided by students' social studies teachers.
  • GapMinder: World Edition
    This website provides a graphically unique way of displaying data. You can make the charts move over time, or in relationship to other data.
  • Middle School Databases
    These research databases provide access to thousands of articles and images. Password access is provided through your local library media specialist (Rose Hill Library) or librarian (King County Library).
  • Citing Your Sources
    Need to create a bibliography? Try out this website for help!